Top 4 Reasons Why Your Clients Want You to be Certified
Certification can offer a range of benefits not only to your organisation but also to your stakeholders including clients. Through gaining accreditation the following benefits become apparent: 1. Comparison Being certified gives potential clients and prospects a way of distinguishing your business from competitors. ISO certification is recognised globally as...
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What happens when you’re ready for certification?
Compass Assurance has qualified auditors with a range of experience in quality, safety, environment, information security, asset management, food safety and e-waste. Certification takes place as a two-step audit process. STEP 1: Our auditor will come to your site and perform a stage 1 audit that looks at your current...
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Top 3 most important reasons to get ISO 14001 Environment certification
ISO 14001 environmental management system is the international standard for environmental management. The standard ensures effective environmental management systems that can minimize your environmental impact, help you meet your obligations, licensing conditions and overall lead to improved environmental performance. Implementing a system compliant to ISO 14001 can bring a wide...
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How does the AS/NZS 5377 E-Waste Standard apply to your business?
Whatever happened to that old pocket calculator – remember those? Or that big, yellowing computer monitor that stopped working? With the rise of technology invading every part of our lives, e-waste is becoming a big issue that we need a smart approach to in order to avoid a Wall-E style...
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