Firstly, congratulations on achieving certification! You’ve worked hard on your systems and made it through your Stage One and Stage Two audit (hopefully relatively unscathed) and now its time to reap the rewards. Certification has many benefits, from growing your business, remaining competitive in your market and addressing liability. It’s important to make sure you’re utilising your certification as a marketing tool to its full potential.
Once you’ve achieved certification you will be given access to our certification marks and logos. They are a valuable addition to your current marketing strategy because they give potential clients and customers an easy way to identify your organisation as certified.
Our existing clients have come up with some innovative ways to integrate our logos into their existing branding. Some of the ways you may like to use them are on corporate documents such as your website, business cards, proposals, letter head, company cars, uniforms, banners, windows and other prominent display areas.
But there area few rules you need to follow when using certification marks. Compass Assurance Services “Compass” clients must only use certification marks and accreditation symbols in a way that accurately reflects the scope of their certification. You can only use certification marks for standards you’re certified to. Using marks for other accreditations you’re not currently certified to is considered misleading and in breach of certification guidelines.
Certification marks and accreditation symbols cannot be used in a way that could be misinterpreted as endorsing a product certification, laboratory tests, calibration or inspection report. For example, if your business produces surgical equipment the accreditation marks cannot be used to represent that product is certified e.g including names and logos on individual products or packaging.
Also all accreditation symbols must always be used in conjunction with our certification marks and your name and/or logo, not in isolation. You must also play by ISO rules as well. ISO writes and publishes international standards; they do not provide certification or assurance as an organisation.
If you’re unsure about using certification marks or have any questions, contact us for clarification. Thinking about becoming certified? Contact us or request a Quick Quote.