Whatever happened to that old pocket calculator – remember those? Or that big, yellowing computer monitor that stopped working?
With the rise of technology invading every part of our lives, e-waste is becoming a big issue that we need a smart approach to in order to avoid a Wall-E style future. There are also environmental issues to consider disposing of electronics that contain materials that could harm the environment.
If you have a business that handles, manages or disposes of e-waste, the AS/NZS 5377 standard on e-waste management will help you comply with the system developed by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and the New Zealand Ministry of Environment.
But what is in the standard and what are the requirements for my business? Our website has got all the answers for you.
What is AS/NZS 5377?
Why do I need AS/NZS 5377 certification?
What are the benefits of AS/NZS 5377 certification?
What happens when you’re ready for certification?
Compass Assurance has qualified environment auditors with a range of experience in e-waste. Certification takes place as a two-step audit process.
Our auditor will come to your site and perform a stage 1 audit that looks at your current practices and aligns them with the relevant sections of AS/NZS 5377, which are relevant for your organisation. We provide you with a stage 1 audit report that will identify any ‘gaps’ or non-conformances and areas where you may need to develop either process or documentation in order to meet the requirements of the standard.
When you are ready for stage 2, we will perform a more in-depth audit; which will look at the implementation of your processes in line with the requirements of AS/NZS 5377. Again, we will provide an audit report which will outline where you meet the standard, and whether there are any areas of your system that you need to address in order to fully comply.
To get a better idea of costs and timings for e-waste certification click here to get a quick quote.