ISO 45001:2018 Checklist
Health & Safety Management Systems
1.0 Context
The Organisation
Have you determined internal and external issues that will impact on your safety system?
Interested Parties
Have you determined what internal and external interested parties are relevant to the safety system and what are their requirements?
Have you determined the boundaries of the environmental management system and documented the scope?
2.0 Leadership
Leadership & Commitment
Can you demonstrate top management is providing leadership and commitment to the safety system?
Safety Policy
Have you a documented safety policy that is communicated and available?
Consultation & Participation
Have you established processes for consultation and participation in safety at all levels and functions?
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Roles & Responsibilities
Are roles and responsibilities for safety documented?
3.0 Planning
Risk & Opportunities
Have you determined the safety risks and opportunities related to your organization?
Do you have plans to address them?
Have you maintained records?
Assessment of Risk
Have you the processes to assess risk?
Have you maintained records?
Hazard Identification
Have you implemented processes for hazard identification?
Legal & Other Requirements
Have you the access to up to date legal requirements?
Do you know how these requirements apply to you?
Have you maintained records?
Safety Objectives
Have you established safety objectives? Do you monitor, measure and communicate them?
Do you have plans to address them?
Have you maintained records?
4.0 Support
Have you determined and ensured necessary resources are in place for the safety system?
Have you ensured that personnel doing work under your control are aware of your policy, their responsibilities as well as processes relevant to them including incident, hazard and risk?
Control of Documents
Do you ensure documents and records are controlled?
Do you ensure competence of personnel?
Do you maintain records?
Have you determined processes for internal and external communication relevant to safety including staff, contractors, visitors, regulators and interested parties?
Do you maintain records?
5.0 Operations
Operational Planning & Control
Have you established and maintained procedures to meet the requirements of the
Management of Change
Have you established processes for controlling changes that impact on safety performance? Such as changes to products, work conditions, legal requirements, technology, equipment, personnel?
safety system?
Eliminating Hazards & Reduce Risk
Do you use the hierarchy of controls to eliminate hazards and reduce risk?
Do you have processes for ensuring safety is factored into procurement decisions including outsourcing and contractors?
Have you documented processes for emergency? Are they tested (such as drills) and do you evaluate effectiveness?
Do you maintain records?
6.0 Performance Evaluation
Monitoring & Measurement
Do you monitor things such as risk processes, operational controls, equipment that requires maintenance or calibration?
Do you measure and evaluate things such as KPIs, performance against targets?
Do you maintain records?
Evaluation of Compliance
Do you assess compliance with legal and other requirements, and do you maintain records?
Customer Satisfaction
Do you assess, monitor and review customer perception?
Internal Audit
Do you plan and conduct internal audits to ensure the safety system conforms to requirements and is implemented effectively?
Do you maintain records?
Management Review
Does your top management review your safety systems at planned intervals?
Do you maintain records?
7.0 Improvement
Incidents & Corrective Action
Do you have processes for reporting, investigating and taking action to manage incidents and corrective action?
Do you maintain records?
Continual Improvement
Do you continually improve the quality system?
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What is ISO 45001 Safety Management Systems?
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems is the updated International safety management standard released in 2018.
Why do I need ISO 45001 Certification?
Seeking safety certification to ISO 45001 has numerous potential benefits for any organisation that implements compliant systems, from small businesses to large corporates.
What are the benefits of ISO 45001 Certification?
Companies often initially seek certification for external reasons such as getting on preferred supplier’s lists, improving company image and responding to customer demands but safety certification can have more benefits beyond more work.
How can I get certified?
Getting ISO certification is a lot easier than you might think, We take you through the three step audit process from your initial enquiry to the final ISO 45001 certification decision.
ISO 45001 Certification Throughout Australia
Compass Assurance Services have offices and staff located throughout Australia including Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, and Sydney.
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Contact us and speak to one of our helpful team about your ISO certification needs. We can offer certification to smaller, niche standards and to other non-accredited (non ISO) standards as well.
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